Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Where have all the Risk-Takers gone?

Where have all the Risk-Takers gone?

Everyone I talk to these days is frightened out of their skulls about the economy and what's going to happen with their money. So much money has been pulled out of every asset class and sitting in secure(?) instruments like Treasuries that they're willing to receive a negative to zero interest rate because they think Armageddon is going to happen. See: "Hedge Fund Redemptions may crash Q1 Markets".

If they really think Armageddon is going to happen, I'd recommend buying guns and ammo and stocking up on food and water, not hoarding cash!

The psychology of the world has been so affected by this negativity, it's almost like there is an actual virus infecting the minds of all of mankind. The depressive state expressed by the media and the blogs and the people I talk to is very strange, almost as if there is a spiritual darkness descending on all of us.

The upside is that with the falling of the old school financial institutions in this country, there are many new opportunities for entrepreneurs to fill the gap. Old business models are destroyed and new and improved ones will take their place. What will you do to contribute to a new and better society?

Perhaps there is something going on, but if YOU WANT TO return to living in caves and hunting for food, then keep on hoarding your money and not taking risk. It's only when we are all cooperating together in business transactions, in risk taking, in speculating, and investing that our society will thrive.

Sure, we've hit a rough patch. But enough with "The Sky is Falling" mentality. Start investing again and participate in the world economy.

One of my favorite quotes is by a 16th century author, John Donne. He said, "No man is an island, entire unto himself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. Any man's death diminishes me, because I'm involved in all of mankind. Therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

The Bells are ringing for Risk-Takers. Are you ready to respond? The world needs you right now more than ever!

Protect your Capital while taking measured risks with Option Straddle Trades.

Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!

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